
April 3, 2025
Tell Newport “Bowling Alone” hosted by Jesse Stokes
Firehouse TheaterDoors open 7:30PM | Show begins 8:00PM
Real People. Real Stories. Real Community. It's people you know telling a true story. Open to the public. $10 at the door.

April 5, 2025
Grenon’s Newport Night Run: A Race for Education
Rogers High School7:30PM
Run the night at the Grenon’s Newport Night Run! The city-by-the-sea’s annual after-hours 5K starts and finishes at Rogers High School and benefits the Newport Public Education Foundation. Walkers and runners of all ages and paces are welcome to participate! Open to the public. $32-$36 registration fee.

April 5, 2025
Miantonomi Memorial Park Litter Cleanup
Miantonomi Memorial Park10:00AM - 12:00PM
Aquidneck Land Trust is holding a community-based volunteer litter clean-up at Miantonomi Memorial Park on Saturday, April 5, from 10:00AM - 12:00PM.

April 6, 2025
World Café, hosted by RENEWport, led by Steve Heath and Gene Thompson-Grove
Innovate Newport12:00PM - 2:30PM
Café Conversations bring people together for meaningful and engaging discussions about what truly matters. Connect with others and be part of the conversation! Open to the public. Free.

April 7, 2025
Nee Jam, hosted by New England Music Organization
Firehouse Theater7:00PM - 10:00PM
The NEE Jam is North End Entertainment's regular gathering of musicians from all over Rhode Island, Massachusetts and beyond. A positive and supportive vibe encourages students to share the stage with some of New England's best and most popular musicians. Open to the public. Free.

April 9, 2025
Wednesday Walk: iNaturalist Training
Norman Bird Sanctuary3:30PM - 4:15PM
A special Wednesday Walk and hands-on training session to learn how to use iNaturalist, a free online platform that encourages users to record and share nature observations. Open to the public. Free.

April 10, 2025
Checkpoint Zoo, documentary presented by newportFILM
Newport Classical Recital Hall, Emmanuel Church7:00PM
In the early days of the Ukraine-Russian war, the Feldman Ecopark found itself caught in the crossfire. Against all odds, a courageous team risked their lives to embark on a seemingly impossible mission: bringing these innocent creatures to safety. Open to the public. $15 per person.

April 11, 2025
“Not Always Bowling Alone in America – A Cultural History of American Civic Associations,” a talk and discussion with Jere Wells
DiStefano Hall, Salve Regina University10:30AM - 11:30AM
In preparation for Professor Putnam’s visit to Newport, retired educator Jere A. Wells will address the significant history of American participation in civic associations, a defining feature of our culture dating back to colonial times. Open to the public. Free.

April 12, 2025
Fort Adams Coastal Cleanup Day organized by Sail Newport in partnership with Ocean Recovery Community Alliance
Sail Newport10:00AM - 12:00PM
Bring the entire family to help clear away winter debris and spruce up the local coastline! Open to the public. Free.

April 14, 2025
Screening of “Join or Die” presented by Memorial Funeral Home in partnership with newportFILM and RENEWport
The JPT Film & Event Center7:30PM
A film about why you should join a club and why the future of America depends on it. The film will be followed by a Q&A. Open to the public. Free.

April 15, 2025
“What is the state of American democracy today?” with Professor Robert Putnam
Salve Regina University, Bazarsky Lecture Hall5:00PM - 6:00PM
Deep and accelerating inequality; unprecedented political polarization; vitriolic public discourse; a fraying social fabric; public and private narcissism—Americans today seem to agree on only one thing: This is the worst of times. How did we get here and what can we do about it? Open to the public. Free. Registration required.