
RENEWport activates community to make Newport a city for all to thrive.

Led by two passionate community leaders, RENEWport brings together nonprofit and business leaders, government officials, community organizations, and citizens to tackle local challenges. RENEWport is committed to creating a caring pipeline into the public schools and connecting individuals of all ages with needed resources. By fostering engagement in thoughtful projects and events, RENEWport strengthens community bonds and helps all Newport residents flourish.



Susan Sipprelle, Board Chair

Taylor Ardito

Hakim Coggins

Ronald Machtley

Rev. Della Wager Wells

Partner Organizations

Contributing Members

Louisa Boatright

Rebecca Bolan

Maureen Cronin

Nycole Matthews

Kendra Muenter

Karen Piacentini

Ruth Thumbtzen

Martha Ullman

Join Us

We welcome members of the community to become engaged with RENEWport meetings, participate in our initiatives, and raise needs or projects for the group to tackle. If you would like to become involved, please email [email protected]